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Showing posts from April, 2024

Hifz use mind fully or...

 heart or both? Recently I had issues with sleeping and I was like zombie in fajr prayers. I always inform my sons tt I can and will inform them if I hear them recite or read their hifz wrongly be it everyday practice or even solat. Because that's what we each must do as we learn. To correct each other's mistakes, not something we do, to want to embarrass each other but intention is to help sharpen each other's hifz. So I forced myself to stay awake in this 1 fajr prayer but my mind was already groggy. Somehow my youngest as imam, made a mistake with a simple Juz 30 sura. And suddenly my heart perk up n corrected him thru my mind and  mouth in the solat. And I wasn't aware mentally but the heart kinda triggered the mind to correct it. Now I understand why, some teachers say hifz must also use the heart to remember. 

Melodious Recitations tunes helps

Sometimes to aid our hifz we need teachers with melodious voices and tunes…. These are some of my f avorite reciters My first hifz teacher - Ustaz Alaina Baderudin Balli My first fall in love recitation in radio n to hifz w tarteel- Ibrahim Al-Akhdar My first teacher whom i love the melody for Quran and easy for me to memorize with tunes - Saad Ghamidi Second teacher i fall in love with his melody - Abu Bakr Shatri To revise faster pace esp al-Baqarah - Saud Al-Shuraim If all else failed and i get bored (monotony can make me feel restless), i change to Mishary, Bandar Baleela, Yaser Dosari and whoever in the many endless list of beautiful Quranic recitation on youtube n mp3 … 

Self Forgiveness helps...

One of the many things I did, to improve my hifz is this...  Before we do hifz or recite Quran, being humble - is to be aware of the many sins we did daily and ask Allah for guidance and forgiveness.  We also must be open to forgive ourselves for making such mistakes.  So before hifz, I normally do a Sunnat prayer of taubat /repentance or repeat Yunus a.s supplication 40x as dhikr..   لَّآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّآ اَنْتَ سُبْحٰنَكَ اِنِّيْ كُنْتُ مِنَ الظّٰلِمِيْنَ ۚ Lailaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadhdhalimin. There is none worthy of worship except You. Glory to You. "Tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah termasuk orang-orang yang zalim For more info: Hope these helps.  Disclaimer:Do note that it's best to study hifz with a hafiz/hafidzah. It's not a journey to be taken alone (though it's possible). Though we may know the tajwid and basic of reading Quran, it's best

At-Taisir method : 30 days to memorise Quran

I've learnt lots from this video (below) . It's in Indonesian (Malay)... By Ustaz Adi Hidayat  I wanted to see his method in teaching his students hifz, using numbers.  1. And I learnt that those who memorise Quran are called hamilun Quran, pregnant with Quran. When we are pregnant, we take great care to ensure we eat halal, watch halal, speak Halal, listen Halal and more with our senses.  The same with Quran, when we memorised Quran, we have to take great care to ensure we are protecting Quran within us.  2. I learnt also that... to memorise Quran is not because we want to be hafiz but to memorise just because of Allah. That's it. Ikhlas. Or to be Hifz Teacher or to bring families to paradise etc.  Release all that.  Those are just bonus if Allah wants to gift to us. 3. And if we have difficulty memorising the Quran, do not lose heart and assume that we are not capable but perhaps Allah wants to rewards us with more merits

Fiercest hifz teacher

 When I re-started Quran, in my late teens, my Quranic reachers are mostly elders, male and have been very kind, patient and gentle with me.  My first hifz teacher then came, a fresh graduate of Madinah University. I didn't have confidence that I can enrol but i did. I was always volunteering my time there and so the Ustaz was like my big brother. But he was very strict and fierce with me when its hifz time. I began to dislike it and eventually i hated it. Because fear is not a motivating factor me in learning. I got married and me and hifz school parted ways. Later the school was no more. And after giving birth to two sons, i relearn my hifz from other schools. As i learn more from other hifz teachers, i realised that my first teacher had brought me to a certain level of proficiency that wherever i go, i continuously excel in grade A.  Later, i learnt that in Mecca and Medina, the teachers are very strict to their students as compared to us in Singapore. I began to understand that

Taqwiyatul hifz and tips

Lately re-memorising Juz 29, is a challenge for me. Also some Sura felt heavy for my heart. My teacher said it can be syaithan and their initiatives to prevent me from continuing hifz. Just don't pay heed to it. Anyway, I've read this somewhere so long time ago, n recently it appeared again in sites I browse thru.  Solat Sunnat 4 rakaat of Taqwiyatul hifz. Unsure if this is sahih hadith or such practice were done in Prophet pbuh time or even his companions' time peace be upon them all....  Done preferably every Friday night in 3,5,7 times.  4 rakaat Sunnah with 2 Salam (tahiyat akhir so 2x2) - 1st rakaat recite Yasin -2nd rakaat recite Ad-Dukhan -3rd rakaat recite As-Sajdah -4th rakaat recite Al-Mulk.  And lastly there is supplication to aid us in memorising the Quran. U can Google them.  " O Allāh, have mercy upon me, so that I always abstain from sinful deeds as long as I am alive, be kind to me so that I do not toil in vain pursuits and bless me with solace in that

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak!!!  May Allah helped all Muslims of the world in success of life and hereafter especially the Palestinians.  May we be blessed with the best in life and hereafter and be buried nearest to the Prophet pbuh in Madinah, AlBaqi and be permanent dwellers of Jannatul Firdaus. Amiin.

Quranic Arabic

 Assalamualaikum May u be in the best of health, iman and taqwa always. I've always been fascinated by Arabic languages. I wanted to understand the Quran and connect deeply with the words of Allah swt. Also to communicate with the locals and truly understand life through their perspectives so I can at least imagined what the Prophet pbuh had gone through.  The more I learnt Arabic, the more I realised I dont know anything. To learn a language is to practice and listening is very crucial.  For years, I've learnt Fusha, the standard Arabic. But never truly grasp or remembered them. I didn't do an immersion like watching Saudi TV or listen to its radio nor get a tutor.  So when I traveled to Middle Eastern countries, some words popped out of my head n I tried conversing.  But to my dismayed, no one speak Fusha. They spoke Amiyah-myriad dialects depending on the location one resided.  And Mecca is one mixed up group of local and international streams of peeps. Thus the language

Fraud and fake

Have u ever faced your hifz teacher and when u start reciting, suddenly ur head is full of ideas and things to do? Like solat, I wanted to focus fully. Filled with confidence in hope to nail this hifz session with good marks, suddenly as I open my mouth, all kinds of thoughts rushed in. I didnt have this when I was in my twenties because I was more fearful of my Hifz Teacher back then. So I force focus.  This time, my hifz teacher is not as strict and she is of same gender and age n I'm more relaxed but the challenges r numerous.  Of course, have to recite taawudz and supplications before hifz and reading Quran.  But still, sometimes, I still have doubts lurking, waiting to pounce on me as I open my mouth with - Who do u think u r to memorise the Quran? U r not worthy to do hifz. All these then distract me from my recitation n then I got so many mistakes because I'm half present to the Quranic verses recited and half present to the doubts and thoughts playing in my head. Someti

Reading aloud melodiously helps in hifz.

Lately I felt my home is getting crowded. I normally shut my windows n treat my house like my own personal studio to belt out the Quranic verses I'm memorising. It helps to read out loud as if nobody was watching.  Of course, as woman, I have to be careful not to be carried away with ego n riak cos our voices r aurat. N also sometimes listening to our own melodious voice, we may get engrossed in our own ability n forget that our niat is only for God. So I went to the beach. I put on my headphones, closed my eyes and recite out loud in an isolated area. I was so into it that I did not feel my surroundings. So lost, in ecstacy. I noticed that my body moved along with the tunes I created to recite with tajwid. But when I opened my eyes, I saw there were many peeps beside me. Yikes?! Awkward.  I thought it was a private concert only for me, but it has become public. I then whisper the rest of my practice. N then I seek a more remote place to continue on. I was taught by my Madinah Usta