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At-Taisir method : 30 days to memorise Quran

I've learnt lots from this video (below) . It's in Indonesian (Malay)...

By Ustaz Adi Hidayat 

I wanted to see his method in teaching his students hifz, using numbers. 

1. And I learnt that those who memorise Quran are called hamilun Quran, pregnant with Quran. When we are pregnant, we take great care to ensure we eat halal, watch halal, speak Halal, listen Halal and more with our senses. 

The same with Quran, when we memorised Quran, we have to take great care to ensure we are protecting Quran within us. 

2. I learnt also that... to memorise Quran is not because we want to be hafiz but to memorise just because of Allah. That's it. Ikhlas.

Or to be Hifz Teacher or to bring families to paradise etc. 

Release all that. 

Those are just bonus if Allah wants to gift to us.

3. And if we have difficulty memorising the Quran, do not lose heart and assume that we are not capable but perhaps Allah wants to rewards us with more merits with our determination in solving our challenges. 

Remember Sura Al-Qamar 54: 17, 22,32,40

(Al-Qamar 54:17) 

وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ

And We have certainly made the Qur’ān easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?

To memorised Quran easily is to renew our intentions:

1. Do it because of Allah 

2. yakin/have strong believe and faith 

3. Anggap mudah/believe it's easy

4. Motivasi diri/self motivation 

Proposed time spent on Quran: 

1 Juz =20pages =10hours =daily

1 page =30mins

15 lines per page

1 line = 2mins

The proposed plan to memorised Quran in 30 days. 

This is according to Indonesian time. 

For other countries, please adjust accordingly. 

1. Subuh/fajr 5-7am/6-8am (2hrs) phase 1 hifz

Solat Sunnat =murojaah

73:20 (in tahajjud - do murojaah on what has been memorised) 

    2. 7-8am rest

    3. 8-9am phase 2 hifz n walk around n hifz

    4. 9-9.30 am in Masjid tahiyatul n murojaah 

    5. 9.30-11.30 (2 hrs) =hifz phase 3

    6.. 11.30-13.30 (lunch n power nap) 

    7. 13.30-15.30 (2 hrs) =hifz 4 n asar

    8. 16.00-17.30 hifz 5

    9. 17.30-19.30 (dinner, isya n wait till food go down n hifz) 

    10. 19.30-21.00 (sleep at 9pm for only 5hrs, wake up 2am)

    11. 2-3.30am (hifz students wajib tahajjud. murojaah in solat 73: 1-20 muzammil) 

    12. 3.30-4am (sleep a bit) 

    13. 4-4.30am - istighfar n dua/supplication time

4.30 - 5am : fajr prayer 

Repeat cycle. 

Start on Saturday then Sunday and so on. Friday is off day for supplications. 

Make it a 30 day priority for fulltime hifz n make it a habit. 

If anyone wants to learn with them in Indonesia for the 30 days, they can do so because they have the facilities.

No need to pay for their services/accomodation only pay for own food, laundry etc. 

Hope these helps.

Updated: I've learnt that u need to be able to read per page in 2 minutes to enrol in the carantina. 

Secondly, I've researched from their students on YouTube that their method is just all new hifz read in front of teacher. 

So they memorised little by little n frequently face the teacher. No murojaah/revision, only focus on memorising complete Quran with teacher's approval and then after 30 days, go home and sharpen the hifz on own with the system and books taught.

Personally I've been to various hifz schools. Many include new hifz read n revision. Normally per class is about 2 hours. And the limit is up to individual how fast they are to memorise at home and in school. After every Juz, we will be tested. Teacher will read the sentence and we have to identify and continue the ayat. 

The Challenging one is only my first hifz class whereby I was asked within 30 seconds to remember the ayat before and after the sentence read by teacher. I failed badly.

I realised then that every page I must have created "keys" to memorise, the first sentence, middle and end. But at-taisir has it's own revision/murojaah book that one can extra memorise. 

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