I thought, I had completed Sura Jinn hifz by now. But I'm stuck.
For whatever reasons unknown to me, I can only memorised 7 ayat. Yes it has been marinating in me for so long.
I wallow in my sappy disappointment and it didn't help much. And so I forced myself and it is worse.
And so I took a longer break from my teacher.
It feels heavy too (as taught by my teacher, I have to ignore all these as excuses to stop hifz due to syaithan) but as an energy healing coach, I have to find out is it because of the energetic vibe of every sentence and it's meaning? I'm super sensitive. And so perhaps, I need to reflect more and deeper on them.
My hifz teacher taught me that challenges like this can be solved by holding/placing my hand on head (for brain actually) and recite Sura Al-A'la ayat 6 for 3 times:
سنقرئك فلا تنسى

Hope that helps.
Also, I have issues with my heart recently.... Just heaviness n extra heart activeness whenever I'm stressful to face the hifz lessons n weekly tests.
Thus, she taught me if I have any pain/illness, (or visiting anyone not well) , we can recite these.. 7x
For example:
Pain for heart - for your heart, place your right hand on the heart and read
اسأل الله العظيم ، رب العرش العظيم ان يشفيك x7
Meaning : I ask Allah, the Great Lord of the Mighty Throne to heal you.