I found out the issue. The ayat 12 of Sura Jinn.... I feel that part of me felt ashamed because of the sins of the past n currently accumulating. If the Jinn can feel this way, why can't I? Anyway, I talked to my heart n say, it's OK... If u want to beat fast, or be heavy or restless... so be it. If I die from heart issues due to this, I'm happy because I die while memorising Sura Jinn. And then, I felt my heart relaxed. N I didn't have much issues reading the first page over and over again. (to memorise Sura Jinn, I divide them by pages. I focus fully on 1st page because it has many similar sentences. Then once fluent, n memorised, I shall moved onto the next page). Alhamdulillah, I have gone past ayat no. 7... I remembered back in my youth, age 20 n below, we didn't have Quran app with translations. I have the hard copy, a small one. The English translation words were too small so I seldom read it. But when I read the Quran (Arabic only) , sometimes I fee...