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Showing posts from March, 2024

Habits, TV , games n social media

​I was taught that when we memorized the Quran our daily habits n lifestyle will also enhance or decrease our memorization skills. Little sins like accidentally see kissing scenes n all that may erase our efforts. The first glance is often not charged as sin (but does not mean we can prolong our first glance) …but the second glance n more will.  Also on social media the ads that potrayed sexy looking women n men can also affect our hifz. Games, instagram, tiktok n all the rampant myriad ads chosen for u may affect our hifz. Just look away n say astaghfirullah. But best not to even turn on the tv or gadgets at all unless its for good like reading the Quran online. Also when we choose to wake up for tahajjud , we may not be able to . Or we were not given the invitation. So all 5 senses have to be filtered .Have to be present and aware of what we do daily.  And also, u may begin to notice that often what we think n say may manifest itself easily and effortlessly.  So beware of what word c

Al-Qiyamah n lessons learnt...

I felt like there was an invisible race, I'm pushing myself towards the completion of Quran this golden age of reaching the big 50.... But it was never about the pace, it was about....  The miraculous Quran in every physical, soul alphabet, word and more....  As mentioned previously, I had memorised 3 Juz in my late teens: Juz 30, 29 and 1. Thus to restart I had to go back n re-learn. Some I still keep intact in my head n heart like Juz 30, some often-read Sura like Yasin, Waqiah, Rahmaan, Najm, Insan.  Some, I've sadly neglected Astaghfirullah. And Juz 29 is one of them. Juz 1, though it felt heavy in my heart, I was able to retain half of it.  So I was revising with much haste to remember them all in front of my new Hifz Teacher, Hafizah from Egypt University (with sanad going all the way to Nabi saw, InsyaAllah) . And normally, I can remember at least 5 surah but for Al-Qiyamah, I cannot proceed further. I tried for 2 weeks n I can only fit in 1 surah in my

Neglected Quranic verses

​i used to be so afraid of forgetting the Quranic verses memorized that i actually slow down my pace when i was younger. Peeps wanted to complete within 1-3 years, i wanted 10-30 years. The fear of meeting up with God in the hereafter with incomplete forgotten Quranic verses and the punishments promised. Instead of getting heavenly crowns for my parents, i fear i get otherwise. (May Allah protect us all) Nevertheless, this time i resolute to do better insyaAllah with God’s guidance and permission.  This invitation is truly a gift like no other. I have shared my passion for hifz during my youths and not many want to do it. Perhaps the weight of it felt super huge and heavy for some.  From what Ive experienced, there is a fine line between heaven and hell for hifz students. For sure, we will be tested not just in hifz but in life itself and what we have memorised -how are we going to implement them in our lives? I was once a quranic teacher teaching both adults and youths the basic readi

Intro -Mid life crisis or blessing?

​  Assalamualaikum, I had an old blogger website about me learning the hifz when i was in my late teen. But I have neglected it for many decades n was not able to go back to it. And so i restart a new blog just like i restart my hifz. I didnt complete it. I only did 3 juz n along the way, life happens n i was not able to continue due to worthiness issues of me having the word of God within me. And i fell n tumbled n got lost many times. My heart turned cold n stone until one day, after mom passed on, i accidentally chanced upon live mecca video on youtube. I watched it for a long period of time. I felt stoic n numb. Suddenly, a huge waft of longing n missingness emerged. Tears rolled down like buckets. I desire to come home to Allah. But i felt ashamed cos of the many mistakes n sins accumulated thru-out my existence. Later on, many miracles emerged…it felt as if God was answering me with Come home whenever u want. And somehow, a spontaneous trip Umrah was created within days. With abu