Long were the days where I can memorise a whole page within minutes.
At this golden age of 46, I found that my mind is more stubborn and kinda have it's own mind.
After doing my best to focus as much, planned time =10hours but I can only sit still max 4 hours with breaks in between.
Later on, after a week of faithfully focusing, the next week, my mind refused to memorise the new sura : Al-Jinn. It kinda rebel. Like a block.
Thinking that 1 sura per week is super slow for me (a noob who has high self expectations), I wanted to hurry the pace. But again, I haven't learn my lessons in previous Sura.
Anyway this site may help:
The thinker in me wander in wonder why am I having such a challenge with this Sura. Though it has repetitive "Wa Anna..." It's not even about the sura's complexity. It's to start the engine that I'm having to trouble with.
My youngest joked that I often blame Jin in many issues thus the difficulty. Hmm, perhaps he was right?
In my late teens, in hifz school, I had the opportunity to learn and witness my teachers and seniors heal students of Jin possessions by Quranic healing.
It opens up my mind to witness another hidden world unfolding thru these experiences.
Sometimes when I got chills or having issues that mind cannot solve, I may tend to blame the hidden world. I must change that and my attitude. Blaming does not help anyone.
Anyway, perhaps I'm thinking too much.
I ended forcing myself to memorise by just reading them out loud and enunciate fully every letter (I looked ridiculous but no one is watching, so who cares?). Till my throat got sore.
After 1 week of time off, I cramped my first page of Sura Jinn in the last few days before my hifz on Friday with my teacher.
Unsure if I can even complete the Sura. I get restless.
I'm a bit ocd, I don't like to recite incomplete Sura to my teacher, I felt that I let both her and me down.
I think I should cut myself some slack.
I even tried to have fun with the memorisation by recording my revision and practice thru phone recorder.
Though Juz 29 is my old hifz, I've forgotten most of them. (May Allah forgives me)
And to remember it, I need my old tunes which I had forgotten. I listen to many reciters but I cannot copy their tunes and so I make my own.
So whenever possible record yourself and your unique tunes - melody way of recitation because it will help greatly in remembering them.
Also the Quran apps nowadays are truly amazing (may Allah reward the peeps behind them all).
Whenever I have issue remembering a certain word or because it keeps repeating but different sentence altogether, I read the meaning in English to understand. This also helps.
If you feel alone in hifz, don't fret, there are gazillion peeps like you out here n there.
So let's motivate one another to get through the finishing line because I believe completing hifz is supposed to be easy... The hard part is keeping it all in us till our last breath. And of course, fulfilling what is asked of us.